Check out these tips for your scholarship search! Use this link to learn more:
2 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Scholarship america. 10 things to help you in your scholarship journey
1 start early!  Planning ahead is the single most important part of the process, and it makes everything else go more smoothly. 2 do your own work! Your scholarship application needs to be an authentic portrait of you.
3 don't fall for scams!  If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Google your searches to ensure the scholarship is coming from a reputible site.  4. don't spend money to make money! A legitimate scholarship program will never charge you a fee to apply. If an application asks for money,  walk away.
5 don't give out bank or credit card information! Any financial data you provide should come from IRS or FAFSA data. Legitimate providers do not ask for bank information. 6 fill out each application to your best ability! Even if you think you’re a shoo-in for a scholarship, take the time to fill out and submit your application  properly and fully.
7 don't avoid a scholarship just because you have to write an essay! Scholarship essays can be stressful, especially if you think you’re not a great writer.  But don’t be scared — scholarship providers want to know your story, and this is your chance to tell it. 8 update essays for each scholarship, don't reuse!  If you write one great essay, it’s tempting to use it over and over. This is okay — just make sure you update it for each application.
9 don't count out small scholarships! A $250 or $500 award may not seem like much, but these smaller awards can add up quickly.  Spending 30 minutes to complete a short-essay  to win $500,  is quite a payoff! 10 don't get discouraged! There are $50 billion in scholarships given out each year. No matter what makes you stand out, there’s an award for you!
Scholarship america. Do you need help finding or filling out scholarships? Ask for help in the comments below or come to our next weekly homework lab!
Thinking about attending KCC and want to know how to receive additional financial help outside Financial Aid assistance? Complete the Foundation scholarship before May 1st to be eligible for over 60 scholarships! Apply here:
2 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
we invite you to apply to the KCC Foundation scholarship. KCC Apply now! October 1, 2024 - May 1, 2025
Last month our High school students ventured to the Chicago and the Mitchell Museum of the American Indian to learn about the culture, Generational stories, and even current issues that our Indigenous population faces. Check out some of our views!
2 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
October 14th, 2024 TRIP to the mitchell museum of the american indian and downtown chicago
Museum Tour: The students completed worksheets to guide them through the museum, as they learned about the 5 major tribal areas in North America, Missing Indigenous Women and Girls, the  two-spirit movement, and the mural on the building.
Authentic Native American Cuisine for lunch from Ketapanen Kitchen
Afterward, we toured downtown Chicago!
Tuition can make or break your college decisions, so work hard to ensure your favorite schools work for you! Learn more about how to make scholarships, grants, and financial aid work for you!
3 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Ways to save money on your college journey!
what you can do in high school take AP course: Get college credit in high school by getting a “3" or higher on your AP exam! *Based on scale 1-5. dual enrollment: During your Junior and/or Senior year take college classes at KCC.. start saving early: Start a savings account for your college expenses while you’re in high school.
What you can do before college: Complete FAFSA & Scholarship applications  Your FAFSA Application will determine your eligibility for the PELL & MAP grant, both of which you will not need to pay back  (same with scholarships) . apply for an internship: Paid internships can be paid directly to your college. employer assistance: Ask your employer if your company has any tuition reimbursements or waivers available to you. diversity tuition waivers:  A financial aid award given to students from underrepresented groups to promote diversity and inclusion in the student body.
what you can do while in college/ use your student discount: Use your student discount on things like car insurance, Spotify/Apple music, Hulu, Amtrak, Amazon, & more. Attend a community/jUNIOR college. take summer courses. Finish your college years early by taking summer classes and save money while you’re doing it! leave your car at home: Most college campuses have good quality public transportation systems so you can save on gas, insurance, and the parking fee at your college! buy and rent your textbooks. Check out websites like “”, “”, “”, “chegg”, or even amazon or reduced prices!
Happy Halloween from TRIO Talent Search! Stay safe!
3 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Happy Halloween, Trick or Treat from TRIO Talent Search
Take time to familiarize yourself with safe trick-or-treating practices with this post and article! Let us know what you will be doing this Halloween! Are you dressing up, handing out candy, or going to a get-together?
3 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
American Red Cross. 10 Ways to Help Keep Trick or Treaters Safe this Halloween
Trick-or-treaters need to see and be seen. use face makeup instead of masks which make seeing difficult. Give trick-or-treaters a flashlight to light their way.  Add reflective tape to costumes and trick-or-treat bags. Have everyone wear light-colored clothing. Use flame-resistant costumes. Make sure adults know where the kids are going. A parent or responsible adult should accompany young children door-to-door. Be cautious around animals. Walk, don’t run. Only visit homes that have a porch light on. Accept treats at the door – never go inside. if handing out treats, provide treats that are safe for those with food allergies. American red cross.
Walk only on the sidewalks, not in the street. If no sidewalk is available, walk at the edge of the roadway, facing traffic. Look both ways before crossing the street, and cross only at the corner. Don’t cut across yards or use alleys. Don’t cross between parked cars. Drivers – use extra caution. The youngsters may forget to look both ways before crossing. A grown-up should check the goodies before eating. Make sure to remove loose candy, open packages, and choking hazards. Discard any items with brand names that you are not familiar with. If you are planning to welcome trick-or-treaters to your home, follow these safety steps: Light the area well so young visitors can see. Sweep leaves from your sidewalks and steps. Clear your porch or front yard of obstacles someone could trip over. American Red Cross.
Chicago State University offers their Aim High Scholarship once again for this upcoming academic year! Learn all about the great benefits their students receive through this scholarship! Access information here:
3 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Chicago state university. aim high scholarship. AIM High funds are awarded by CSU to first time freshmen and Transfer student.  Students must meet the criteria of the grant. illinois residents. u.s. citizens. Financial needs not met by  Financial Aid Awards. learn more with the link provided!
Did you know that, aside from our social media, we have our own website and app where you can find resources such as scholarships, Financial aid, Financial Literacy, College preparation, and more? Check it out today by using this link:
3 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
visit Talent search website Get updates on upcoming events and information on scholarships, Financial Aid/Literacy, College exploration/preparation, and Career Exploration/Preparation!  visit now
LGBTQ+ History Month is observed in October. Take a moment to learn about the history of several important figures within the historical LGBTQ+ Communities! Use this link:
3 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
October 2024 LGBTQ+ History Awareness Month Learn about LGBTQ+  History Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) Bayard Rustin (1912-1987 Sylvia Rivera (1951-2002 Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu (1972-) Chella Man (1998-)   Check out the link  provided to learn more! glsen
Do you think a college student should prioritize a debit or credit card? Let us know what you think in the comments! Learn more about the differences with this link:
3 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
investopedia. are you ready? debt, liability, borrowing/repayment, fees, checking account linked. Going to college is a huge step towards independence.  Make sure you’re ready by understanding the difference and the benefits of credit and debit cards!  credit cards: line of credit offering borrowed funds that must be repaid. helps build credit history, not liable for more than $50 if credit card is lost or stolen due to the fair billing act. may have to pay fees for foreign transactions, late fees, and cash advances. a debt instrument for financial transactions instead of cash. Versus Debit cards: Best for people trying to budget or prevent debt accumulation. linked to a checking account, may have to pay fees when using an ATM out of network or an overdraft. liability of losing funds is tied to how quickly you act to report stolen card, funds pulled directly from your bank account, can be used anywhere credit cards are permitted. Investopedia
TRIO Talent Search is here to help you through your High School years, but guess what? TRIO Student Support Service (SSS) is here to help you through your college years! Does your intended college have a SSS program for you to join? Here are just a few colleges/universities in Illinois that have this program! Check out your intended college's website to learn more or talk to an admissions advisor to get more help!
3 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
TRIO SSS Programs at 4 year universities in IL. 1 University of Illinois at Chicago. 2. Illinois state university. 3. Northeastern Illinois University. 4. Southern Illinois University. 5. Eastern Illinois university. 6. Northern illinois university. 7. University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
Cyber security is critical when accessing the internet. Make sure you are protecting yourself with these steps.
3 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Keep your sensitive information secure. Never share confidential information Guard information on social media  Use strong passwords Use multi-factor authentication  Use secure WI-FI only Access secure webpages only Be wary of phishing  Upgrade software often
Do you know what "Good Debt" is? How about "Bad Debt"? Check out this post and website to learn about the differences!,improve%20your%20overall%20financial%20situation.
3 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
investopedia. Debt management guide. Swipe to learn. investopedia.
Investopedia. good debt. Education   The more education you have, the greater your earning potential  A Businesses  If your business succeeds you’ll be able to pay off your debt  Your Home  During the time you live in your home you are building equity and potential for tax breaks  Could become an asset if you begin renting out your home
investopedia. bad debt: Clothes and Consumables  Usually bought with a high-interest credit card  Boats Depreciates quickly and comes with an array of other expenses, such as maintenance Vacations  After the vacation, besides the memories, you’ll have little left that’s tangible Cars Depreciates quickly and could contain a high interest rate
Investopedia. other types of debt. Borrowing to pay off debt  Debt consolidation loans typically have a lower interest rate than most credit cards, so they allow you to pay off existing debts and save money on future interest payments. The key, however, is making sure that you use the cash to pay off debts and not for other spending.  Borrowing to Invest If you have an account with a brokerage firm, then you may have access to a margin account, which allows you to borrow money from the brokerage to purchase securities. Buying on margin, as it’s called, can help make you money if the value of the security increases. However, it can ultimately cost you money if the security loses value. This type of debt isn't ideal for inexperienced investors or those who can’t afford to lose money.
Managing debt If you are carrying debt, you can develop a budget based on your income and expenses to help ensure that you can afford all your monthly payments. Then, you can work toward identifying which debt you should pay down first and allocate your extra funds toward that debt. You also can use debt consolidation to help manage debt. With this strategy, you pay off your loans with a loan with a lower interest rate. That way, you can pay your debt faster and save on overall interest. If you can't afford to pay your debt, you might want to consider debt settlement with your lender. You can use a reputable debt settlement company to negotiate with lenders to pay a lower amount on a delinquent account. As a last resort, you could file for bankruptcy. Be aware that both debt settlement and bankruptcy will negatively affect your credit score—often for years. investopedia. Use the link provided to access the “Develop a Budget” tool!
Has your Junior High Student attended our homework lab yet? Have them join us for a study session and free snacks every Tuesday in the Guidance Office at KJHS! Transportation home if provided!
4 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Kankakee Community College. TRIO Tuesdays Homework Lab. TRIO Talent search. Transportation provided upon request. These sessions are free for talent search students. Kankakee junior high guidance office 3-4 p.m. for more information: 815-802-8570. sign-up today by scanning this QR code! TRIO Talent Search is funded by the U.S. Department of Education
Today is National Curious Events Day! Take time today to think about what makes you curious and appreciate the unusual!
4 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
October 9th natural curious events day. Appreciate the unusual, paranormal or supernatural exploration, be genuinely curious about others, explore mysteries, discover similarities, dig into mysteries.
Writing Scholarship essays can be hard, but with a format to base your work on, things can get a little easier. Here are a few tips we have to share with you. Want in-person advice? Join our homework labs!
4 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Pierce college. Possibilities. realized. writing a scholarship essay. general tips. organize your thoughts. create the outline. write the essay.
general tips. Writing Your Scholarship Application Essay 1. Plan ahead Don’t procrastinate! Give yourself plenty of time to review and edit your essay Be aware of the deadline date (i.e.: received vs. postmark) 2. Talk about your accomplishments Be clear and to the point Don’t brag or over-sell yourself 3. State your need What is your financial situation? Do you work? Do you receive support from your family? Do you receive financial aid? 4. Keep it simple Don’t use unnecessary words (i.e., don’t use three words when one will do) Don’t include unnecessary information just to “fill the page” 5. Make it easy on your reader Have someone else read your essay for clarity Write complete sentences and paragraphs Spell check your essay – make sure words are used correctly (e.g.,: “two,” “to,” “too;” or “there,” “their,” or “they’re;” “its” or “it’s,” etc.)
organize your thoughts. Who are you? Why are you who you are? What are you doing? What have you done? Where are you now? Where are you going? How are you going to get there? Why do you need a scholarship? How will it make a difference? How did you make the decision to continue your education?
Essay outline pt. 11. Introductory Sentence State your name What quarter you are in at Pierce College 2. Educational Objectives and Career Goals Identify your major Why did you choose this major? What will you do with a degree in this field? What career path have you chosen? Example: I have always enjoyed working with computers and I love to write. I’m pursuing a career in technical writing; this will allow me to pursue both interests - focusing on a viable career and doing something that I enjoy. 3. Brief Background Who are you? (not your name) – family, children, siblings, etc. How did you get to where you are today? What is important to you? Insert extra-curricular interests, volunteer work, hobbies – things that make you stand our or are unusual. Academic Accomplishments: GPA, level of difficulty of courses taken, types of courses taken, etc. Examples: During my free time, I volunteer at the Boys and Girls Club of Tacoma as a Big Sister. Much of my free time is spent with my children, teaching them by example that education is important. I am currently enrolled in 16 credit hours and I work two part-time jobs.
essay outline pt 2. 4. Need Why do you need a scholarship? How will it make a difference to you? Examples: Although I work two part-time jobs, I find it difficult to meet the financial demands of supporting myself and paying for an education. A scholarship will allow me to continue with school in the fall. My parents provide me with room and board, but because I have younger brothers and sisters, they cannot help me with my educational expenses. The money I earn at the car wash part-time is barely enough to cover my books and supplies. A scholarship would help a great deal. Receiving a scholarship would allow me to reduce the number of hours that I work at the daycare, which would then allow me more time to concentrate on my studies. 5. Conclusion Wrap it up with a simple sentence or two. You can include how your education to date has made a difference to you. End with a “thank you for allowing me the opportunity to apply.”
write your essay. ake the outline and begin with the first sentence (which may be the most difficult) and then just write to include everything you think is important. Don’t worry about the length of the essay at this point. Use your outline as a guide.  1. First Sentence (the most difficult part) Who, What, Where, When, Why Example: My name is Paula Henson and I am (applying, seeking, asking) for a scholarship for the Fall Quarter 2015. My educational objective is to graduate in 2016 with an Associate Degree in Marketing (or transfer to the University of Washington and obtain a degree in Business to pursue a career in Accounting). 2. Now go back and look at what you’ve written. Read it for content and organization of the information. At this point, it is probably too long. What can you eliminate and/or incorporate? Are you redundant? Are you too brief? Does this essay paint an accurate picture of YOU? 3. Spell check, spell check, spell check 4. Have someone else read your essay. Is it you? What do they think? 5. Do you like what it says about you? Reread it one last time and spell check it again!  Remember: The essay is your chance to communicate your needs, accomplishments, goals, etc. The scholarship reviewers should be able to read your essay and feel as if they know you personally.
October is observed as ADHD Awareness month. Check out this website which provides fact sheets and other information on ADHD. This website also offers several resources for those wanting to learn more!
4 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
October 2024 ADHD awareness month. information and resources on ADHD. .
What is Financial Aid? Read all about the different aspects of it in this post or check out the Student Aid Website for more information! Access it here:
4 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
4 types of Financial Student aid. Grants: A grant is a form of financial aid that doesn’t have to be repaid (unless, you withdraw from school and owe a refund, or you receive a TEACH Grant and don’t complete your service obligation). A variety of federal grants are available, including: Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grants, and Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants. work-study: The Federal Work-Study Program allows you to earn money to pay for school by working part-time. You’ll earn at least the current federal minimum wage. However, you may earn more depending on the type of work you do and the skills required for the position. Your total work-study award depends on when you apply, your level of financial need, and your school’s funding level. scholarships: Many nonprofit and private organizations offer scholarships to help students pay for college or career school. This type of free money, which is sometimes based on academic merit, talent, or a particular area of study, can make a real difference in helping you manage your education expenses. loans: A loan is money you borrow and must pay back with interest. If you apply for financial aid, you may be offered loans as part of your school’s financial aid offer. When you receive a student loan, you are borrowing money to attend a college or career school. You must repay the loan as well as interest that accrues. It is important to understand your repayment options so you can successfully repay your loan. Federal student aid. an office of the u.s department of education.
The City of Kankakee has coordinated an "Out of the Darkness" walk to prevent suicide on September 28th, this Saturday. Go out and show your support!
4 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Walk with us to prevent suicide. Register today. Out of the Darkness Kankakee County Walk. Saturday, September 28th 1:00 p.m. Riverside Healthcare - 300 Riverside Dr. Bourbonnais, IL. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Out of the darkness community walks. Register or Donate at: