Making money as a young person is not as hard as you think! Learn about the different opportunities here:
10 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
32 ways for kids to earn money 2023. Learn all about it with the link !
10 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Happy Leap Day. February 29th, 2024
Febrero también es el Mes Nacional de los Amantes de las Bibliotecas. Este es tu momento para disfrutar de esos sentimientos reconfortantes que sientes al entrar a una biblioteca, ¡también es el momento perfecto para compartir esos sentimientos con tus seres queridos! Pruebe estas ideas y obtenga más información aquí:
10 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
mes nacional de los amantes de bibliotecas. haga una lista de bibliotecas que le encantaría explorar.  Escribe una historia sobre estar atrapado en una biblioteca. menciona tu biblioteca favorita. crear una lista de libros para sacar prestados de la biblioteca. ayudar a alguien a obtener su tarjeta de la biblioteca. national day calendar.
This is the time to relish in those comforting feelings you get when walking into a library, it is also the perfect time to share those feelings with those you love! Learn more here:
10 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
National Library Lover's month. Make a list of libraries you would love to explore. Write a story about being trapped in a library. Give a shout out to your favorite library. Create a list of books to check out from the library. Help someone obtain their library card. National Day Calendar.
Todo TRIO Talent Search, en tu bolsillo. Informate con noticias, eventos, documentos, directorio, notificaciones, comedor. Descarga la aplicación de TRIO Talent Search a través de la App Store o Play Store y activa las Notificaciones.
10 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Todo TRIO Talent Search, en tu bolsillo. Informate con noticias, eventos, documentos, directorio, notificaciones, comedor. Descarga la aplicación de TRIO Talent Search a través de la App Store o Play Store y activa las Notificaciones.  Gráficos del primer teléfono celular enseña la pantalla de inicio, con informacion de eventos, el segundo celular enseña la bienvenida a TRIO Talent Search y el tercer celular hay una imagen de un calendario con fechas de eventos.
TRIO Students and parents! Download the app now and get instant access to 1:1 messaging with TRIO staff and all updates for our program!
10 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Parent-Teacher Messaging in the TRIO Talent Search App. Chat. Events. Documents. Stream. Classes. Notifications. (an example of the type of messaging that can be done on this app) Sarah Fox: How's Rosemary doing in her Studies lately? Rosemary is doing well in all the subjects except math. She's working hard at  home to improve mathematics. That's great to hear. Are there any areas she needs to work on? Everything else is great, she's really active in class. TRIO Talent Search. Welcome to TRIO Talent search. (another example of how to use app) Stream. Biology. All posts. announcements, classwork. Assessment. Cell division - Meiosis. What would happen to this cell if it were placed in honey? Please support your....Announcement: Henrietta Craig. Sunday Apr. 19 I've posted the updated syllabus in the documents section. . We will review this in class, make sure you download the syllabus as it contains important informati...Due Apr 25 at 11:59 pm. Assignment. Eukaryote Cell Structure. you can use them as resources to go for... Menu School app. Rooms. Download on the app store. get it on google play. Download the TRIO Talent search app from IOS app store or android play store and enable notifications.
Northern Arizona University's Tuition Calculator brings you straight to grants and scholarships that can help you pay after you answer just 8-12 questions about yourself. Try it now with this link:
10 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
NAU Northern Arizona University. Use the net price calculator to estimate your costs!  answer 8-10 questions questions to get your estimate of cost with financial aid view scholarships , grants, and resources to help you pay!
NAU Northern Arizona University. ¡Utilice la calculadora de precio neto para estimar sus costos! ¡Responda de 8 a 12 preguntas para obtener su estimación del costo con ayuda financiera y vea becas, subvenciones y recursos que lo ayudarán a pagar!
Life isn't always easy and DCFS knows that. If you have been in foster care at some point in your life you may be eligible for the scholarship offered by DCFS! Learn more and apply here now:
10 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Scholarship Program. Illinois Department of DCFS Children & Family services. you may be eligible for: Monthly Grant Payment One-Time start-up grant Illinois Medical Card Books & Supplies  You must meet this criteria:  Applicants must meet one of the following educational requirements: Earned a high school diploma from an accredited institution, or  Earned a General Education Development (GED) certificate/diploma or  Met the state criteria for high school graduation before the start of the school year for which they are applying for the scholarship. In addition, applicants must meet one of the following criteria: The Department has court-ordered legal responsibility for the applicant, or The applicant aged out of the Department’s care at age 18 or older, or The applicant who was formerly under care has been adopted or placed in private guardianship. Apply today here:
Join us for our SAT Bootcamp on 2/26, sign-up here: / Únase a nosotros para nuestro SAT Bootcamp el 2/26, regístrese aquí:
10 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Kankakee Community College TRIO Talent Search Method Learning. Join our live SAT Bootcamp. February 26th, 2024. kcc  |  10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lunch &  Transportation Provided. 4 hours of study tips, test-taking strategies, English & Math Instruction. Higher Scores increase your college acceptance rate! Sign up today! TRIO Talent Search is funded by the U.S Department of Education
Kankakee Community College TRIO Talent Search Method Learning. Únete a nuestro, Campamento de entrenamiento SAT. 26 de febrero, 2024. kcc  |  10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Propocionamos almuerzo y transporte. 4 horas de SESIONES dirigidas por un instructor PARA: consejos de estudio, estrategias para tomar exámenes, Instrucción de inglés y matemáticas. ¡Las puntuaciones más altas aumentan tu tasa de aceptación universitaria! ¡Regístrese hoy! El programa de TRIO Talent Search está financiada por el Departamento de Educación
¡Febrero es el Mes Nacional de Prevención del Cáncer! Responda este cuestionario rápido de 5 preguntas para evaluar sus conocimientos y aprender más sobre los riesgos del cáncer::
10 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
tiempo de prueba. Prueba de prevención del cáncer. a: deja de fumar, b: usar protector solar, c: C.hacerse exámenes de detección con frecuencia. d: todo lo anterior.  “Comprender, prevenir, diagnosticar, tratar y curar las muchas enfermedades devastadoras que llamamos cáncer” - american association for cancer prevention
quiz time Se espera que se diagnostiquen casi 2 millones de nuevos casos de cáncer en los Estados Unidos en 2024. ¿Qué porcentaje de los diagnósticos de cáncer en los U.S. son el resultado de causas prevenibles? a: 7%, b:18%, c:26%, d:40%
quiz time: ¿Cuáles son los tres principales factores de riesgo modificables para desarrollar cáncer? a: Consumo de tabaco, exceso de peso corporal, consumo de alcohol. b: Consumo de tabaco, patógenos cancerígenos, inactividad física. c: Consumo de tabaco, exposición al sol/UV, exceso de peso corporal. d: Consumo de tabaco, inactividad física, exposición al sol/UV
quiz time Según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de U.S., fumar cigarrillos es responsable de más de 480.000 muertes por año en los U.S. Incluyendo el cáncer de pulmón, ¿cuántos tipos diferentes de cáncer están relacionados con el consumo de tabaco? a: 7, b: 23,c: 18, d35. american association for cancer prevention
quiz time: La estimación más reciente es que el 13 por ciento de todos los nuevos casos de cáncer diagnosticados en todo el mundo en 2018 fueron atribuibles a una infección persistente con patógenos. ¿Cuáles son los patógenos que causan cáncer más comunes? a: Helicobacter pylori. b: Human papillomavirus (HPV). c: Hepatitis B virus (HBV). d: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) e: Todo lo anterior. american association for cancer prevetion
quiz time: Cambiar o modificar ciertos comportamientos puede reducir el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer. ¿Cuál de las siguientes modificaciones en el estilo de vida puede reducir su riesgo de cáncer? a: Mantenerse físicamente activo. b: Mantener un peso corporal saludable. c: Limite el consumo de carnes rojas y alimentos procesados d: Limitar el consumo de alcohol. e: Todo lo anterior. american association for cancer prevention
answer key: 1. D. Los investigadores estiman que más del 40 por ciento de los casos de cáncer diagnosticados en los Estados Unidos y casi la mitad de todas las muertes por cáncer son causados ​​por factores de riesgo de cáncer potencialmente evitables.. 2: A. El consumo de tabaco es la principal causa prevenible de cáncer y muertes por cáncer en los Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo. Los investigadores estiman que el 7,8 por ciento de todos los casos de cáncer diagnosticados en los Estados Unidos están relacionados con el exceso de peso corporal. Los investigadores estiman que el consumo de alcohol será responsable del 5,6 por ciento de los nuevos casos de cáncer diagnosticados en Estados Unidos en 2018. 3: C. Fumar está relacionado con 17 tipos diferentes de cáncer además del cáncer de pulmón. Incluso las personas que fuman menos de un cigarrillo al día a lo largo de su vida tienen un mayor riesgo de muerte que los no fumadores. Afortunadamente, dejar de fumar a cualquier edad puede reducir el riesgo de aparición de cáncer y de muerte relacionada con el cáncer. 4: E. Existen estrategias disponibles para eliminar, tratar o prevenir la infección por Helicobacter pylori (VHB), (VHC) y (VPH) que pueden reducir significativamente los riesgos de que un individuo desarrolle un cáncer relacionado con la infección. Es importante señalar que estas estrategias no son efectivas para tratar los cánceres relacionados con infecciones una vez que se desarrollan. También está claro que estas estrategias no se están utilizando de manera óptima. 5: E. Muchos factores modificables del estilo de vida aumentan el riesgo de que una persona desarrolle cáncer y también pueden aumentar el riesgo de recurrencia del cáncer y reducir el tiempo de supervivencia después del cáncer. american association for cancer prevention
Obtenga más información sobre la Asociación Estadounidense contra el Cáncer consultando.
February is National Cancer Prevention Month! Take this quick 5 question quiz to test your knowledge and learn more about Cancer risks:
10 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Quiz time cancer prevention quiz. A. stop smoking. b. use suncreen, c. get screened often. d. all of the above.  “Understand, prevent, diagnose, treat, and cure the many devastating diseases we call cancer”
Quiz time. Nearly 2 million new cases of cancer are expected to be diagnosed in the United States in 2024. What percentage of cancer diagnoses in the U.S. are the result of preventable causes? a. 7%, b. 18%. c. 26%. d. 40% american association for cancer research
quiz time. What are the top three modifiable risk factors for developing cancer? a: Tobacco use, excess body weight, alcohol consumption. b: Tobacco use, cancer-causing pathogens, physical inactivity. c: Tobacco use, sun/UV exposure, excess body weight. d: Tobacco use, physical inactivity, sun/UV exposure. american association for cancer prevention
quiz time. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention smoking cigarettes is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the U.S. Including lung cancer, how many different types of cancer are linked to tobacco use? a: 7. b:23. c:18. d:35. american association for cancer prevention
quiz time: The most recent estimate is that 13 percent of all new cancer cases diagnosed worldwide in 2018 were attributable to persistent infection with pathogens. What are the most common cancer-causing pathogens? a: Helicobacter pylori. b: Human papillomavirus (HPV). c: Hepatitis B virus (HBV). d: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) e: all of the above. American association for cancer prevention
quiz time Changing or modifying certain behaviors can reduce your risk for developing cancer. Which of the following lifestyle modifications can reduce your risk of cancer?a: stay physically active. b: maintain healthy body weight. c: limit eating red meat & processed foods. D: limit alcohol consumption. e: all of the above. american association for cancer prevention
answer key: 1 - D. Researchers estimate that more than 40 percent of the cancer cases diagnosed in the United States and nearly half of all deaths from cancer are caused by potentially avoidable cancer risk factors. 2: A. Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of cancer and deaths from cancer in the United States and worldwide. Researchers estimate that 7.8 percent of all cancer cases diagnosed in the United States are related to excess body weight. Researchers estimate that alcohol consumption will be responsible for 5.6 percent of the new cancer cases diagnosed in the United States in 2018. 3: C. Smoking is linked to 17 different types of cancer in addition to lung cancer. Even individuals who smoke fewer than one cigarette per day over their lifetime have a higher risk of death than nonsmokers. Fortunately, cessation at any age can reduce the risk of cancer occurrence and cancer-related death. 4: E. There are strategies available to eliminate, treat, or prevent infection with Helicobacter pylori, (HBV),(HCV), &  (HPV) that can significantly lower an individual's risks for developing an infection-related cancer. It is important to note that these strategies are not effective at treating infection-related cancers once they develop. It is also clear that these strategies are not being used optimally. 5: E. Many modifiable lifestyle factors increase a person's risk of developing cancer and can also increase risk of cancer recurrence and reduce survival time following cancer. american association for cancer prevention
 Learn more about American Association for Cancer by checking out:
The University of Iowa has some great programs! So, before you apply, check out the tuition calculator to get a good understanding of what you could pay without scholarships or grants applied to your account, here:
10 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
University of Iowa. Use the net price calculator to estimate your costs! This will provide you with an estimate of your cost of attendance and financial  aid for which you may qualify. The net price calculator is intended to be used by incoming first-year undergraduate students only. IOWA
University of Iowa. ¡Utilice la calculadora de precio neto para estimar sus costos! Esto le proporcionará una estimación de su costo de asistencia y la ayuda financiera para la que puede calificar. La Calculadora de precio neto está destinada a ser utilizada únicamente por estudiantes universitarios entrantes de primer año. IOWA.
Learning financial literacy will come to you one way or another, whether from your life experience or an all-in-one self-paced course, such as Method Learning. Get ahead of the game and check out Method Learning today! Here is the link:
10 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Method Learning Subjects to study: SAT & ACT, cOLLEGE & cAREER aDvising, financial literacy, academic success, Pre-algebra, Algebra 1 & 3, Geometry
Method Learning, Materias a estudiar. SAT & ACT, orientación universitaria y profesiona, Educación financiera, Éxito académico, preálgebra, Álgebra 1, Álgebra 2, Geometría
Check out KCC's WIOA and see how it can help you locally, and keep in mind this program is also active in other universities and states! Learn more here:
11 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Learn about how WIOA can help you in your educational . and professional career by using the link provided! WIOA, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Before applying to an out-of-state school take a tour of the campus! Cannot travel? Join us for a virtual tour where we get a similar experience for FREE! Check it out here:
11 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Kankakee Community College. University of Tennessee Knoxville. Virtual tour of campus. Access anytime on your computer! Includes: Student led tour, Student halls, Common hangout/study spots, educational buildings, athletics. Check it out now! Talent Search is funded by the U,.S Department of Education.
Check out our February Newsletter for upcoming events and Birthdays! ¡Consulte nuestro boletín de febrero para conocer los próximos eventos y cumpleaños!
11 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Kankakee Community College. February 2024 Newsletter. trio talent search. 02/26 SAT Bootcamp agenda:  9 a.m. - 10 a.m.  Students are picked up from their houses 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.  SAT Preparation Presentation  12 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.  Lunch  1 p.m. - 2 p.m.  SAT Preparation Presentation 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.  Students are taken home from KCC. SAT Bootcamp. Starting Early Can Help Relieve Stress. “A little nervousness before a test is normal and can help sharpen your mind and focus your attention. But with test anxiety, feelings of worry and self-doubt can interfere with your test-taking performance and make you miserable...You'll feel more relaxed if you systematically study and practice the material that will be on a test. ” . -Sawchuck, Craig. “Test anxiety: Can it be treated?” Mayo Clinic, 03 Aug. 2017. February 15, 22, and 29 (3-5 p.m.) (and each Thursday every month). Next month. Shedd Aquarium. Join TRIO Talent Search on an adventure to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago! Free tour, 4-d experience, View aquatic habitats from around the world. Check the Back for birthdays! Reminder! Phones & Headphones are welcome on trips. However, they are not allowed during ANY presentation or Tour! TRIO Talent Search is funded by the U.S Department of Education
February: 1:Victor M.  James C.  Juelz W. 2. Taniya M.  4. Janeah W.  Savion W.  Phillip T. 5. Serenity D.  Shayla J.  Erica H. 6. Ta’Miyah E.  William H.  Camila H.  Na’Tazia J.  Shaniya M.  Lacey M. 7. Jayden B. 8. Martin A.  Devonta H.  Malaki S.  Regina V. 9. Jaden V. 12. Lei’Yona W.  Vintoria W. 13. Erick G. 14. Melanie K.  Oziel C.  15. Jairo C.  17. Jayden M. 18. Raul G. 19. Ja’Shanti M.  Caleb B.  Mikaylah S. 20. Kimberly S.  Leonel M.  Melanie P.  Alexander W.  21. Lanell G. 22. Elijah S. 23. Tanasia W. 25. CamRon B.  Jefferson C.  Jade R.  27. Kaden J.  Tyler B.  28. Makyah B. Jesus L. Happy Birthday
Kankakee Community College. Febrero 2024 Newsletter. TRIO Talent Search. 02/26 Campamento de entrenamiento SAT. Agenda: 9 a.m. - 10 a.m .Los estudiantes son recogidos de sus casas. 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.  Presentación de preparación para el SAT 12 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.  Almuerzo 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.  Presentación de preparación para el SAT 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.  Los estudiantes son llevados a casa desde KCC. Campamento de entrenamiento SAT. Comenzar temprano puede ayudar a aliviar el estrés. “Un poco de nerviosismo ante un examen es normal, y puede ayudar a agudizar la mente y centrar la atención. Pero en el caso de la ansiedad ante los exámenes, los sentimientos de preocupación e inseguridad pueden interferir en tu desempeño en el examen, y hacerte sentir muy mal...Te sentirás más relajado si sistemáticamente estudias y practicas el material que estará en el examen. ” -Sawchuck, Craig. “Test anxiety: Can it be treated?” Mayo Clinic, 03 Aug. 2017. Cada mes: 15, 22, y 29 de febrero (3-5 p.m.) :  laboratorio de tareas. Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de trabajar en su tarea y recibir ayuda en cualquier clase. También recibirán una presentación sobre SEL por parte de un terapeuta autorizado. Next month: 29 de marzo, 2024 (7:45 a.m. - 4 p.m. ) Acuario Shedd. ¡Únase a TRIO Talent Search en una aventura en el Acuario Shedd en Chicago!  Tour Gratis Experiencia 4D Ver hábitats acuáticos de todo el mundo.¡Consulte la parte posterior para ver los cumpleaños!¡Recordatorio! Los teléfonos y auriculares son bienvenidos en los viajes. Sin embargo, ¡no están permitidos durante NINGUNA presentación o Gira! TRIO Talent Search está financiado por el Departamento de Educación de EE. UU.
Febrero. Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miercoles, Jueves, vienes, sabado.1:Victor M.  James C.  Juelz W. 2. Taniya M.  4. Janeah W.  Savion W.  Phillip T. 5. Serenity D.  Shayla J.  Erica H. 6. Ta’Miyah E.  William H.  Camila H.  Na’Tazia J.  Shaniya M.  Lacey M. 7. Jayden B. 8. Martin A.  Devonta H.  Malaki S.  Regina V. 9. Jaden V. 12. Lei’Yona W.  Vintoria W. 13. Erick G. 14. Melanie K.  Oziel C.  15. Jairo C.  17. Jayden M. 18. Raul G. 19. Ja’Shanti M.  Caleb B.  Mikaylah S. 20. Kimberly S.  Leonel M.  Melanie P.  Alexander W.  21. Lanell G. 22. Elijah S. 23. Tanasia W. 25. CamRon B.  Jefferson C.  Jade R.  27. Kaden J.  Tyler B.  28. Makyah B. Jesus L.  Feliz Cumpleanos
Happy Valentine's Day! ¡Feliz día de San Valentín!
11 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Happy Valentine's Day. February 14 From TRIO Talent Search
 Feliz día de San Valentín. 14 de febrero.  De TRIO Talent Search
¡La Universidad Estatal de Chicago tiene realmente buenos incentivos con su beca AIM High! ¡Todo lo que necesitas es un GPA de 2.5 o superior! Aprende más aquí:
11 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
1867 Chicago State University. Beca	GPA requerido	Puntuación de prueba requerida	Monto de la beca	Renovación	  Beca AIM de alto mérito	2.50 + GPA acumulado no ponderado	18 o más Puntaje total ACT o SAT 960 o más	Máximo $24,000 (hasta $6,000 anualmente)	Mantener matrícula de tiempo completo (mínimo 12 horas de crédito), mantener Progreso Académico Satisfactorio (SAP) y buena reputación judicial. Beca AIM High SuccessU	Admisión al programa CSU SuccessU	 	Máximo $12,000 (hasta $3000 anualmente)	Mantener matrícula de tiempo completo (mínimo 12 horas de crédito), mantener Progreso Académico Satisfactorio (SAP) y buena reputación judicial.	  Colegio de Altos Honores AIM	Aceptación en el Colegio de Honores	 	Máximo $24,000 (hasta $6,000 anualmente)	Mantener buena reputación con el Honors College.	  AIM High - Haz crecer el tuyo propio	Recibo de Beca Crece Tu Propia	 	Vale de libros online para cubrir el coste de los libros	Recepción continua de la beca Grow Your Own.
Chicago State University has really good incentives with its AIM High Scholarship! All you need is a 2.5 GPA or higher! Learn more here:
11 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
1867 Chicago State University. Scholarship	Required GPA	Required Test Score	Scholarship Amount	Renewal	  AIM High Merit Scholarship	2.50 + cumulative  Unweighted gpa	18 or higher ACT Total Score or SAT 960 or higher	Maximum $24,000 (up to $6,000 annually)	Maintain full time enrollment (minimum 12 credit hours), maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and good judicial standing AIM High SuccessU Scholarship	Admission to the CSU SuccessU program	 	Maximum $12,000 (up to $3000 annually)	Maintain full time enrollment (minimum 12 credit hours), maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)  and good judicial standing	  AIM High Honors College	Acceptance into the Honors College	 	Maximum $24,000 (up to $6,000 annually)	Maintain good standing with the Honors College	  AIM High - Grow Your Own	Receipt of Grow Your Own Scholarship	 	Online Book Voucher to cover the cost of books	Continued receipt of Grow Your Own Scholarship.
TRIO Students and parents! Download the app now and get instant access to 1:1 messaging with TRIO staff and all updates for our program!
11 months ago, TRIO Talent Search
Parent-Teacher Messaging in the TRIO Talent Search App. Chat. Events. Documents. Stream. Classes. Notifications. (an example of the type of messaging that can be done on this app) Sarah Fox: How's Rosemary doing in her Studies lately? Rosemary is doing well in all the subjects except math. She's working hard at  home to improve mathematics. That's great to hear. Are there any areas she needs to work on? Everything else is great, she's really active in class. TRIO Talent Search. Welcome to TRIO Talent search. (another example of how to use app) Stream. Biology. All posts. announcements, classwork. Assessment. Cell division - Meiosis. What would happen to this cell if it were placed in honey? Please support your....Announcement: Henrietta Craig. Sunday Apr. 19 I've posted the updated syllabus in the documents section. . We will review this in class, make sure you download the syllabus as it contains important informati...Due Apr 25 at 11:59 pm. Assignment. Eukaryote Cell Structure. you can use them as resources to go for... Menu School app. Rooms. Download on the app store. get it on google play. Download the TRIO Talent search app from IOS app store or android play store and enable notifications.